Bring voice, breath and body together in this pilot 5-session series that will combine two devotional practices: Asana Yoga and Piyut (Hebrew liturgical poetry). Each month we will study a new piyut, sing and chant together, and explore the piyut’s theme through a gentle yoga practice. We’ll finish in time to head into the main service in the sanctuary for Torah reading. Rabbi Shuli Passow leads the yoga, with Rabbi Roly Matalon, Dan Nadel, and rabbinic fellow Arielle Rosenberg rotating each month to provide live musical accompaniment.
Never practiced yoga before? The yoga practice will be open level; all are welcome and no experience is necessary to participate.
Not so familiar with Hebrew liturgical poetry? You’re in good company! The piyutim we’ll study are beautiful but not well known. Transliterations and translations will be provided for everything.
Wondering what to wear to a yoga class at a synagogue? This yoga practice will be very gentle, designed to open your body and soul for the rest of the Shabbat service but not to make you sweat! You can wear the same clothes you’d want to wear in the sanctuary–just make sure you have some freedom to move.
What else should I know? We will have a limited number of yoga mats available; please bring your own, or a bath-sized towel.